Linux Persistence Mechanisms: A Primer on Common Threat Techniques

Elastic Security Labs released a comprehensive guide on Linux persistence mechanisms as part of the ongoing Linux Detection Engineering series. This guide is an educational resource for security researchers and defenders.

Linux Persistence Mechanisms: A Primer on Common Threat Techniques
The original image was generated by OpenAI's DALL-E and edited by the author. Source: OpenAI (August 2024)


On August 20, 2024, Elastic Security Labs released a comprehensive guide on Linux persistence mechanisms as part of the ongoing Linux Detection Engineering series. This guide is an educational resource for security researchers and defenders, detailing standard and obscure methods attackers use to maintain persistence on compromised Linux systems. The goal is to enhance understanding and improve detection strategies against these threats.

Report Overview

Persistence in the context of cybersecurity refers to an attacker’s ability to maintain access to a compromised system over an extended period, even after actions like reboots or password changes. This phase is crucial for threat actors, enabling them to gather intelligence, move laterally within the network, and further their malicious objectives. The persistence mechanisms discussed in this guide are integral to many malware campaigns, making it essential for defenders to recognize and respond to these techniques effectively.

Scheduled Tasks (Cron Jobs - T1053.003)

Attackers often exploit Linux’s built-in task scheduling system, cron, to establish persistence. By scheduling tasks that execute malicious scripts or commands at regular intervals, attackers ensure their foothold in the system. Cron jobs can be configured with user or root privileges, making them a versatile tool for persistence. Common directories where cron jobs are stored include /etc/cron.d/ and /var/spool/cron/crontabs/. Detecting such persistence involves monitoring for unusual cron job creations or modifications.

Systemd Services and Timers (T1453/T1053)

Systemd, a system and service manager for Linux, is widely used to manage system processes. Attackers can leverage systemd services and timers to maintain persistence. By creating or modifying unit files in directories like /etc/systemd/system/, an attacker can configure a malicious service or timer to execute at boot or scheduled intervals. These techniques are particularly stealthy, integrating seamlessly into the system’s normal operation. Detection efforts should focus on monitoring the creation and modification of systemd unit files and associated processes.

Shell Profile Modifications (T1546.004)

Unix shell configuration files, such as .bashrc or .bash_profile, are commonly used to customize a user’s shell environment. Attackers can modify these files to include commands that execute each time a user logs in or opens a shell session. This method ensures that the malicious code runs consistently, providing persistent access to the attacker. Detecting this form of persistence involves monitoring changes to these shell configuration files.

SUID/SGID Binaries (T1548.001)

SUID (Set User ID) and SGID (Set Group ID) are Unix file permissions that allow executables to run with the owner’s or group’s privileges. Attackers can exploit misconfigured SUID/SGID binaries to gain elevated privileges and maintain access. Detecting this technique involves identifying unusual SUID/SGID binaries on the system, particularly those that should not usually have these permissions.

Insights and Analysis

The persistence techniques outlined above are powerful tools in an attacker’s arsenal. If successfully established, they allow attackers to maintain a foothold in the target environment, even after initial compromises are detected and mitigated. This persistence can lead to prolonged data exfiltration, continued reconnaissance, and further exploitation within the network, posing significant risks to the affected organization.

According to the MITRE ATT&CK framework, understanding and categorizing persistence techniques is crucial for developing effective threat models. Defenders can implement robust detection strategies to identify and neutralize these threats by leveraging tools like Elastic SIEM and OSQuery. Additionally, open-source tools like PANIX, developed by Groenewoud, provide valuable resources for testing and validating detection capabilities against various persistence mechanisms.

Persistence mechanisms are critical to the attack lifecycle, enabling threat actors to maintain access and continue their operations long after the initial breach. Defenders can significantly reduce the risk of persistent threats by understanding these techniques and implementing effective detection strategies. Regularly monitoring and hunting for signs of persistence, coupled with proactive measures like updating detection rules, is essential for maintaining a strong security posture.

Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)

No specific Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) were provided in the source material.


PersistenceScheduled Task/Job: CronT1053.003Attackers leverage cron jobs to schedule malicious tasks that execute at regular intervals.
PersistenceCreate or Modify System Process: Systemd ServiceT1543.002Attackers create or modify systemd service unit files to establish persistence on the system.
PersistenceScheduled Task/Job: Systemd TimersT1053.006Attackers use systemd timers to execute tasks at scheduled intervals, often in conjunction with systemd services.
PersistenceEvent Triggered Execution: Unix Shell Configuration ModificationT1546.004Attackers modify Unix shell configuration files to execute malicious commands when a user logs in or opens a shell session.
Privilege Escalation, Defense EvasionAbuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Setuid and SetgidT1548.001Attackers exploit misconfigured SUID/SGID binaries to gain and maintain elevated privileges.
PersistenceAccount Manipulation: Local AccountsT1136.001Attackers create or modify user accounts to maintain access to the system.
PersistenceAccount Manipulation: Sudo and Sudo CachingT1548.003Attackers modify sudoers files to allow unrestricted command execution without password prompts.
PersistenceAccount Manipulation: SSH Authorized KeysT1098.004Attackers add their SSH keys to authorized_keys files to maintain access.


Linux Detection Engineering - A primer on persistence mechanisms — Elastic Security Labs
In this second part of the Linux Detection Engineering series, we map multiple Linux persistence mechanisms to the MITRE ATT&CK framework, explain how they work, and how to detect them.